Currently, we are experiencing a massive shift in our world whereby technology is developing at a significant rate. Technology has and will continue to play huge roles within society. There are many more technological devices and systems than ever before. However, the side-effects of technological development often come with environmental issues such as global warming and energy consumption which in turn, negatively influences our lives.
Our company strives to find solutions to these environmental issues through producing thermal solutions. Thermal issues such as cooling, and heating are common amongst hardware and manufacturing devices and systems. We hope to contribute to the social goal of providing less energy consuming and environmentally friendly technologies through our research in thermal solutions. Through our 15 years of experience in the automotive heat exchanger industry, we have managed to create a recyclable aluminum vapor chamber that enables high performance and lightweight options for a large variety of thermal systems.
For innovative thermal solutions, our aluminum vapor chamber allows us to combine it with a peltier thermoelectric module creating what we a TVC (Thermoelectric Vapor Chamber) system. The TVC is one of our most creative creations in terms of performance and thermal management. We are currently applying the TVC in various fields especially in EV/HEV battery management systems. The TVC enables both cooling and heating function while maintaining low energy consumption. This ties us with our goal of reducing global energy consumption.
Our company policy is to meet the needs of our customers by providing them with cutting-edge technology and innovative thermal solutions. So, through a combination of innovative passion and cutting-edge technology, we aim to provide society, businesses, and individuals environmentally friendly and creative solutions to their problems. Through this, we hope to create value and build strong networks between each other across cultural and country borders.
![Eric HUANG](